Interactive Electric Fields
Click and drag the charge/s:
To embed this field in a website use:
c: charges
Optional: Location and magnitude of the charge.
Default: "0,0,-1" which has a single, negative charge located at the center of the field.
- Each charge is constructed of three components (x,y,q), where x and y are the coordinates of the charge in pixels relative to the center of the field. q is the magnitude of the charge.
- Each charge is separated from others by an underscore "_".
So to have two charges use something like: "c=-100,0,-1_150,100,1"
Link or to embed this field in a website use:
w: width
Optional: Width of field in pixels.
Default: 500px
h: height
Optional: Height of field in pixels.
Default: 500px
nrows: number of rows of vector arrows
Optional: Field vectors are placed evenly spaced on a grid offset from the edges.
Default: 10
ncols: number of columns of vector arrows
Optional: Field vectors are placed evenly spaced on a grid offset from the edges.
Default: 10
Link or to embed this field in a website use:
pi: particle interface
Optional: Turn the particle interface on or off. "1" for on, and "0" for off.
Default (on): 1
Link or to embed this field in a website use: