Embedable Graphs

Embed Graph

Copy and paste: If you adjust the width and height parameters, the graph will scale to fit inside the box.


a -- Polynomial coefficients (an).

-- A polynomial equation can be specified in the url by passing the coefficients (a) as a reversed, comma delimited sequence. For example: the equation:

y = x2 + 2 x - 3

Is referenced as:


pts -- the coordinates of points on the graph.

-- A series of points can be entered as a comma separated list of x, y coordinates. For example, the points:

(3,7), (2,-3), and (5,1)

Can be plotted as:


show_input -- Show the input box to add lines and points to the graph.

none - Turn off the input boxes at the top of the graph:

polynomial - (default) Show the interface for polynomial equations.

points - Show the interface for adding points to the graph.

For example, the url for the above equation with no input box would be:


fit -- Adjust the size of the graph in the iframe. Options:

auto - (default) scales so graph is slightly smaller than window so there are no scroll bars on the frame.

full - scales so graph is fully fits the smallest dimension of the iframe window.

none - creates 600x600 pixel graph in a window.

For example, the url for the above equation with no input box and full fit:


range -- The maximum range (positive and negative) for the axes.

-- The default range is 10 so the x and y axes minimums are -10 and the maximums are 10 (as shown above). By default, the tick marks are interpolated to be 10% of the range. To change the range to 20 use:


So, for example:


dx -- The interval between tick marks on the axes

-- The default tick marks are interpolated to be 10% of the range if the width of the graph is greater than 300 pixels, and 20% if smaller (note that these do not exactly correspond to the values set for the iframe since, except for the fit=none option, some adjustment is made. To change the dx to 5 use:


So, for example (with the range set to 20):


integrate -- Find the area under the curve within the given bounds.

-- Enter a comma delimited list of:

numerical integration diagram
Numerical integration of the function f(x) = -0.25x2 + x + 4 between the limits a = 1 and b = 4 using four trapezoids (n = 4).

So, to find the integral (area under the curve) between x = 1 and x = 5 using 4 trapezoids use:


For an example, we'll find this integral for the curve f(x) = -0.25x2 + x + 4 :


The area using 4 trapezoids is 17.5 as shown in this numerical integration example.


Creative Commons LicenseGraphing Polynomials by Lensyl Urbano is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at earthsciweb.org.