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Python Reference Guide

Lensyl Urbano, 2021.


Names of the memory locations of specific values. There can be different types. In python, pretty much anything can be a variable.
Type Example Notes
Integer a = 5 Whole number (positive or negative).
Float pi = 3.14 Number with decimals.
String pieType = "apple" Letters and text. For special characters (like "α" and "²") search with "utf8"
List students = ["Max", "Jace", "Adam", "Thomas"]

Variable names must:
  • Start with a letter
  • Can have an underscore: e.g. pie_type
  • Often use camel case: e.g. buildingType
  • Not contain spaces or operators like "+ - / *"
  • Avoid weird characters


If you want to leave a note to yourself that the computer will ignore when running the program, or take out a bit of code temporarily, use a comment.

# Comment

A hash-tag at the beginning of a line comments out that line:
# names of students
students = ["Max", "Jace", "Adam", "Thomas"]

# print the name of the first student
which prints out only:


For comments that span multiple lines use three single apostrophies:
''' Make a list of the names of the students
    and then print out the first student's name
students = ["Max", "Jace", "Adam", "Thomas"]
which prints out only:


Indentation is crucial in python, because the language uses indentation to indicate blocks of code.

Indented for loop

for i in range(5):

The print(i) statement on line 2 is in the for loop, while the print("done") statement is outside the loop, so the result is:


However, if the print("done") statment was indented, it would be inside the for loop:

for i in range(5):


Lists are ways of grouping data. For example:
students = ["Max", "Jace", "Adam", "Thomas"]

Indexing (Finding an item in a List)

Use square brackets and the index (e.g. students[1]):
students = ["Max", "Jace", "Adam", "Thomas"]
s = students[1]
print("Student 1 is:", s)
to get:
Student 1 is: Jace
because the index starts at zero.

You can index backwards:
students = ["Max", "Jace", "Adam", "Thomas"]

Slicing Lists

To get a contiguous group of items from a list you can slice:
students = ["Max", "Jace", "Adam", "Thomas"]
['Jace', 'Adam']
It work like: students[start, stop-1]

For ... in Loop

You can iterate (loop) through a list using for ... in ...:
students = ["Max", "Jace", "Adam", "Thomas"]
for s in students:
which gives:

Strings as Lists

Strings can be treated as lists. So they can be sliced:
t = "This is a string"
print( t[0:10] )
This is a
They can be looped through using for ... in loops :


Arrays are like lists but only hold one type of data, which allows for more efficient computations. The numpy modules is great for mathematical calculations with arrays.
import numpy as np
a = np.array([2,3,5,3])
[ 4  6 10  6]
They can be looped through using for ... in loops :


Arrays are like lists but optimized for efficient mathematically calculations. The cost is that you can only have one type of data (integer, float, logical etc.) in an array.


numpy is a popular numerical python module. To use it, you have to have it installed on your system, and then import it into your code (numpy is installed with vpython so you may have it already).

When we import numpy we give it a shortened name, np to make it easier to type out every time we reference it. This is not required.

import numpy as np

a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 6])
which generates,
[ 2  4  6  8 12]

Math Operations

Arrays make it easier to do mathematical opperations on the set of values in the array.

Adding 1 to each value in the array.

import numpy as np

a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 6])
print(a + 1)
which generates,
[2 3 4 5 7]

You can add, multiply, divide elementwise with numpy (so multiplication with "*" is not matrix multiplication, you use the dot operator instead).

numpy Functions (uFuncs)

You can also do lot of other functions like sin, cos, exponent (exp), and square roots (sqrt)

Raise each element in the array to the second power (i.e. squaring each number).

import numpy as np

a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 6])
print(np.power(a, 2))
which generates,
[ 1  4  9 16 36]


Use loops to repeat things. You can iterate through a list or string by using a for ... in loops

for i in range()

To repeat something five times you can use a for loop with the range function:
for i in range(5):
which generates,
The numbers generated start at zero by default, and so end at one less than the number specified. For more control you can use the form range(start, stop, step):
for i in range(4, 12, 2):
to get:
You do not have to use the variable i, you can use any variable name you want in the loop, such as:
for x in range(6, -5, -2):
to get:


Use if ... then ... else statements. In python the "then" is implied.


Choose between options.
x = 5
if x < 10:
  print("x is less than 10.")
which generates,
x is less than 10.
Nothing would be printed if x was greater than or equal to 10. So, we can use the else part of the statement to catch this:
x = 20
if x < 10:
  print("x is less than 10.")
  print("x is greater than or equal to 10")
to get:
x is greater than or equal to 10
Finally, if we want to catch more than two conditions--say we also want to print when x is equal to 10, we use elif (short for else if):
x  = 10
if x < 10:
  print("x is less than 10.")
elif x == 10:
  print("x is equal to 10.")
  print("x is greater than or equal to 10")
to get:
x is equal to 10
You can have as many elif statements as you want. Note: for simple choice sets you can also use case

Comparison Operators

Operator Meaning Example
== equal to x == 10
!= not equal to x != 10
< less than x < 10
<= less than or equal to x <= 10
> greater than x >= 10
>= greater than or equal to x >= 10

Logical Operators (and/or/not)

Use these to combine logical statements.
x = 7
if (x > 0) and (x < 10):
    print("x is between 0 and 10.")
to get:
x is between 0 and 10.
Operator Meaning Example
and logical and if (x > 0) and (x > 10):
or logical or x != 10
not less than if (not (x > 10)):


Creating Functions

A function to square a number.
def squared(x):
  s = x**2
  return s
This function takes x as a parameter, squares it, and returns the result. This function is loaded into memory when you run your program. It is not used until you call it in your main program.

Calling a Function

Here we create a function called squared and call it a few times. A function to square a number.
def squared(x):
  s = x**2
  return s

print( squared(2) )
print( "3 squared is", squared(3))
print( "3² + 4² =", squared(3) + squared(4))
3 squared is 9
3² + 4² = 25

Passing Parameters

You can pass multiple parameters to a function. A function to find the zeros of a quadratic, using the quadratic formula: x=b±b24ac2a
def quadraticFormula(a, b, c):
      x1 = (b + (b**2 - (4*a*c))**0.5) / (2*a)
      x2 = (b - (b**2 - (4*a*c))**0.5) / (2*a)
      return (x1, x2)

print("The zeros for y = x² + 3x - 4 are:", quadraticFormula(1,3,-4))
The zeros for y =+ 3x - 4 are: (4.0, -1.0)

Returning Values

You can return multiple values from a function. This can be done as a list, or as a tuple. The function to find the zeros of a quadratic, using the quadratic formula is: x=b±b24ac2a It returns two values of x (one for the + and one for the -). The values, when returned as a tuple (in parentheses) or list (square brackets) can be unpacked in your main program.
def quadraticFormula(a, b, c):
      x1 = (b + (b**2 - (4*a*c))**0.5) / (2*a)
      x2 = (b - (b**2 - (4*a*c))**0.5) / (2*a)
      return (x1, x2)

# main program
(z1, z2)  = quadraticFormula(1, 3, -4)
print("zero 1 =", z1, "and zero 2 = ", z2)
zero 1 = 4.0 and zero 2 =  -1.0


Variables created within a function only exist within that function. Their scope is local. This way you can have multiple functions reusing the same variable names without causing conflict.
def f1(x):
    y = 2 * x + 3
    return y

def f2(x):
    y = -x + 4
    return y

# main program
print(f1(5), f2(3))

Two functions, both recieving values into variables named x, but f1 recieves a 5 while f2 recieves 3.

13 1

Because y is local to our functions, if we tried to print y in the main program (line 11 below), we would get an error. So:

def f1(x):
    y = 2 * x + 3
    return y

def f2(x):
    y = -x + 4
    return y

# main program
print(f1(5), f2(3))
gives the error:
13 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 11, in
NameError: name 'y' is not defined


A class to handle straight lines based on the slope-intercept equation: y=mx+b
# Create Class: The class' name is "straightLine"
class straightLine:
    def __init__(self, m, b):     # initialize
        self.slope = m            # set properties
        self.y_intercept = b
        self.x_intercept = -b/m

line_1 = straightLine(2, 3)     # create an instance for y = 2x + 3
print("slope =", line_1.slope)  # print slope

Defining a Class

Creating the "straightLine" class:
class straightLine:
    def __init__(self, m, b):     # initialize
        self.slope = m            # set properties
        self.y_intercept = b
        self.x_intercept = -b/m
  • Line 2: Create class named "straightLine"
  • Line 3: An initialization function (always named "__init__").
    • The class needs two parameters, a and b, to define the straight line, but functions/methods within a class will almost always require the additional parameter "self", to pass information from one method to the next.
  • Line 4-6: Set properties of the class, we'll be able to used these in other methods when we write them (see below).

Using/Instantiating a Class

To use a class you create an instance of it. The term instance is used because you can have multiple instances of a class with different parameters.
line_1 = straightLine(2, 3)     # create an instance for y = 2x + 3
print("slope =", line_1.slope)  # print slope
  • Line 10: Create an instance of the class. Name the instance "line_1".
    • Pass the m and b values.
  • Line 11: Use the slope property of this instance of the class (line_1.slope) to print the slope.
slope = 2

Adding Methods to a Class

The straightLine class has an initialization method/function (__init__). Here we add another method called get_y to get the y value when you pass the program a value for x.
# Create Class: The class' name is "straightLine"
class straightLine:
    def __init__(self, m, b):     # initialize
        self.slope = m            # set properties
        self.y_intercept = b
        self.x_intercept = -b/m

    def get_y(self, x):
        y = self.slope * x + self.y_intercept
        return y

line_1 = straightLine(2, 3)     # create an instance for y = 2x + 3
line_2 = straightLine(-1, 4)    # create an instance for y = -x + 4

# Get y when x = 5 for line 2
print("For x = 5, y =", line_2.get_y(5))

# get y values for both lines
for i in range(5):
    print( i, line_1.get_y(i), line_2.get_y(i))
For x = 5, y = -1

0 3 4
1 5 3
2 7 2
3 9 1
4 11 0