Job Shadowing at Missouri Botanical Garden

For the first two days and Friday, I worked with two guys who helped repair the technology used at the garden. This included learning how to remote control computers with two different programs, resetting a printer to the proper settings, as it had gone…

Week One Down

Yesterday I didn’t work a lot outside due to the weather. I did clear small trees that were cut down, but that’s really all I did outside. For the rest of the day I went back to the bird hospital. I got to observe…

The First Few Days (Emmaus)

For the past four days, I have been helping out around Emmaus. I have one main supervisor, Angie, and she is overall showing me how the organization works. I am working mostly with the same three men and just spending time with them in…

Working in the bird hospital

Yesterday I got to shadow someone in the bird hospital. I also got more interaction with birds. Some of the things I got to do was observe feeding a baby great horned owl and other birds of prey, laundry, labeling food containers, cleaned cages…

Day One at the Bird Sanctuary

Hello fellow seniors. I hope you all had a good first day at your senior projects. On my first day at the World Bird Sanctuary I did mostly manual labor. Some of my tasks were taking out trash and recycling, clearing out brush, and…