Day 4 of Banking (LE)

Today I worked with a credit analyst. This was a unique insight on how to avoid taxes. I learned a lot. I learned the pros and cons to different ways of avoidance. Credit analysts, obviously, analyze the credit. This means that if a person or business’ numbers are super low or negative. It is their job to figure out why. This is important because that why goes into calculating if they will get the loan or not. Both jobs (as a teller and credit analyst) is almost like running the financials for the Makerspace Business Club. Tellers handle the transactions which is basically what I did. Every Wednesday I looked over the material buyers list and balanced the payments. This means I made sure that the payments on the sheet matched with the payment in the book. If they didn’t (which was almost every time) I would go and figure who has not paid or marked that they did pay.

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