Senior Project Day 2

For the second day of my senior project I was once again working in the manufacturing building of the company I am interning for. Today was more hands on than the first day, and I was working in the shop with one of the employees using the CNC machine. The guy who is organizing my internship is basically having me go through the process of creating a cabinet, learning a different step each day. So on the first day I learned to make the design, and on the second day I cut out the rough frame of designs on the CNC machine. The work mainly consisted of loading the wood onto the machine, putting in the specs for the pieces we needed, then letting it cut, and then sorting the pieces after they were cut and rinsed and repeated for the rest of the day. I learned a lot about how the machine actually works and how to operate a machine that large as well as being safe with the equipment we were using. A photo of the machine is attached below.

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