The Fulton School
The first three days of my internship at Meramec state park have been different than I expected. The first day, I got a tour of the park from my boss Mr.Fink. The second half of the day I loaded up some wood with one of my other bosses (Carrie) and we drove to a neighboring park called Onondaga. We had extra wood left over from the off season so we gave it to Onondaga. The second day of my Internship me and Carrie spent most of the morning picking up trash scattered around the park. We also replaced a sign that somebody had run over. the second half of the day we hauled more wood to Onondaga and I got to drive some trucks around over there, because they needed an extra driver. On the third day, I spent the first half mulching with Carrie around the park. We have to mulch the campground because the grass on some of the campsites wont grow back. When the grass doesn’t grow back it just ends up muddy, and nobody wants to stand in mud. We use the mulch to cover the mud so it looks better and people have something to stand on. In the Afternoon Carrie had to leave so I was mulching by myself. I got to drive the trucks around and I think everyone was impressed with how hard I worked at the end of the day.
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