My first week with Lou Filla doing IT work. (4/3-4/6)

I have been shadowing Lou Filla while he has been doing IT work and I traveled to 3 different schools. The Fulton School, Rohan Woods, and St Francis Borgia Grade School. During this time I have been working and learning about general technology problems such as WIFI, wiring, and security. When I went to the Fulton School our job was to set up the chrome books for ERB testing. So we went to the lunch room closet and took out all of the old Chromebooks and chargers and brought them upstairs to the meeting room. After that I worked with Lou Filla’s son Noah Filla and we had to brainwash all of the laptops and login with the ERB account to add the ERB program onto the Chromebooks. To make sure everything was working properly we had to update the Mac IOS to the most recent date and that probably took the longest amount of time. After everything was completed and up to date me and Noah put all of the computers onto a cart with chargers so they are ready for the ERBS next week and the week after.

The next day I went to Rohan Woods and that day was a little bit more laid back. Part of IT work can also be managing wires and cables for people to make things easier and more convenient. Lou was checking the internet to see if everything was connected and working properly. While he was doing that I was organizing the electronics in cabinets, under desks, and behind shelves. Basically organizing keyboards, USB’s, and overall just making it easier to find everything when they need it. I working with Noah while doing all of this and we ended up making everything “perfect” or at least that is what they told us. Zip Ties were probably the most helpful that day because it just held all of the wires together making it easier to see what we were doing.

The following day I went to St Francis Borgia Grade School. This was probably my favorite day this week because it was a really old style school building. Under some of the buildings there was structures built and unfinished from the 50’s or the 60’s that still had walls of stone and it was really cool to see all of that. But that wasn’t the point of going there what the goal at St Francis Borgia was. The goal was to check all of Lou’s wire closets he had set up to see if they were all working properly and organizing it to make it look nicer. Ultimately we were trying to free up more space for when they were ready to add more electronics to the school. I did not get hands on with this stuff but I still got the chance to learn what everything was and how all of it worked.

My favorite part about this week was being able to travel to all of these places. I got to see things I had not seen before while driving around on roads I have never drove on. Knowing about the places I went to makes me want to go back and check it out in the future on my own time, just to explore and see more of these cool places.

3 Comments on “My first week with Lou Filla doing IT work. (4/3-4/6)

  1. I know it has only been your first week, but you were talking about how there are different parts to IT work and I wanted to ask what is your favorite part of IT work so far?

  2. I know it has only been your first week, but you were talking about how there are different parts to IT work and I wanted to ask what is your favorite part of IT work so far

    • Personally I didn’t get to be hands on with it but I went and posted pictures of wire closets that Lou had set up and setting things up like that seems to be my favorite part about it.

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