This post will be focusing on the old protagonists.
Here are the Protagonists of The Storm. This peice is a touch bit outdated, but still reletively represents the idea of the designs. Riptide is the blue one who does the water and electrisity and the speedy buisness. Reyna is the one who’s hair is also fire and has a bit more of a bird-adjacent apperance.Here is the new (Maskless) design for Reyna. Aside from the head, it is mostly the same as before. However, the key diffrence now is that I have a (mostly) complete character sheet! (Probably. May need to do a bit more oberving on how that works)Here is a concept peice of something that actually is supposed to happen in the film! Its the dramatic and reluctant fight between Riptide and Ray! Ray will be one of the antagonists of the film, serving as a sort of narritive foil to Riptide. The fight is more twords the end and could serve as the climax. However, this movie is no longer focused on Reyna and Riptide (primarily at least). That will be explained in the next post.
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