Week 4: Benson Hill

Throughout the rest of the week with Christy, I attended various meetings involving different departments, had one-on-one meetings with different department members, and continued to see what Christy does daily. For example, Christy is the project manager for a new building being created for the company and therefore had to meet with several different groups contributing to the development of the building. I was able to accompany her in all of her meets concerning the construction and updates on the project.

I enjoyed the one on one meetings because I was able to ask each faculty member questions such as: “What do you do for the company?” “How did you enter this role?” and “What education background provided the credentials to be in this position?” I was surprised that despite the variety of roles, a majority of the individuals that I spoke with had a degree in a subject either completely from what they were doing, or slightly related, but only served as direction towards what their occupation became.

Overall, I really enjoyed my time at Benson Hill and it reinforced my goal to become a middle man between software developers and either management or other departments.

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