Blas – Week 3 – Days 1-3

These first three days I worked further on my project and added input text boxes opposed to just using the computers gps to calculate it. That took some time because I had to have a deeper understanding of the code in order to be able to change the main function of my javascript code. This lead me to a big in my code which I thought was a problem which turned out to be nothing. In order to send a Json object (data if you will), from my webpage to my server it has to be in the right format. Initially I thought that this format was in issue with formatting from the webpage to the flask server. This I later figured out was my own fault because the measurements on the webpage was only expecting two digit numbers. If there are any more digits than en the code wouldn’t work. So for my testing I always put more than three digits. I found this out later after trying a million things.

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