I started out my Thursday working at the Key Bistro until 2:00. It was a pretty slow day at the restaurant, so I spent most of my time working on writing stuff and reading in “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy. There was a really cute little girl and her mom that came in. Ugh, she was like the perfect child, she had blonde hair and blue eyes and was very smiley. I am currently writing a “Freaks & Geeks” episode where the two title female characters and best friends have a fight that could end their life long friendship completely. The fight is really petty and it’s about who the best One Direction band member is, which then leads them to bring up other things they dislike about the other. Since their just being really annoying, their boyfriends decide to break up with them and will only get back together if they make up and are friends again, which eventually happens, when they unite over their shared hatred for Zayne Malik who left and ultimately broke up One Direction. The rest of my day I worked as a desk greeter with VEX and then helped out greeting people and handing out flyers at the evening program. When I got assigned to float around galleries, there was an issue with a suspicious man, he was not dangerous, but we did call security for them to handle the issue.
Friday, 4/19:
I spent my first part of the day at the Kids Clubhouse for storytelling. Afterward, I had a meeting with Julie to figure out the logistics of when I will lead storytelling. I will be leading it on May 7th, and I am very excited! After that, I just helped out VEX again for the rest of the day. During my free time at the desk I planned out what I will be doing for storytime. Working at the Kids Clubhouse and with VEX are probably my favorite jobs, but there’s nothing that I really dislike, which is good! After my shift ended, I hiked over to the Padgoda area in Forest Park, which was very nice, before I headed out for the evening! Next week, I will be helping out Hannah Geisz at South City Community School with a Shakespeare production. I think it will be nice to do something a bit different than the History Museum. I must admit, I am a little nervous because sometimes theater people scare me, but Hannah is really nice, so it should all be good! I think it will be fun, and although I won’t be majoring or minoring in theater in college, I would like to definitely dabble in it, especially since Webster has a really good program for it! I am also very exited for prom tomorrow, and I am dusting off my boogie shoes!
*A crewneck from the gift shop that I want to get. *Some coloring I did on my break to relax, I got to the 5th row today. *Me standing outside after the evening program for my aunt to pick me up. I took off my converses so I could wear my birkenstocks. *The face of a girl who just wants to go eat food and go home after her eight hour shift into the night. And my dad had the audacity to tell me I didn’t know what it was like to work a job 🙄 Danny Alt could not last one day at the History Museum and Ella Alt could not last one day on Pete’s roofing job. *A picture my Aunt took of me. I just know my mom is gonna put this on Facebook. My aunt came to watch the talk on the Baby Teeth Survey, which was done to test the affects of radiation on children in the 50s / 60s. One of the panel members was Shirley Washington from KPLR 11’s The Pulse of St. Louis. She is an award winning journalist and I got to say hi to her, she was really sweet! Also, due to the weather we were all put in the auditorium because of a tornado warning, but it was all ok! *A downtown picture of Skinker. I had never been to this area before and it was really cool, kind of similar to The Central West End! *The Thai place we ate at, it was so good! It’s called Thai Gai Yang Cafe, I think Ava Harkey used to go there! *Me eating a fresh spring roll, it was delish. *Green Chicken Curry this was also bussin’. *My fav chicken pad thai, so scrumdidlyumptious. We also had tom kai soup, but I didn’t get a picture, whomp whomp. *Maggie leading storytime. We had a lot of kids there today, but this was at the beginning so there weren’t as many people there, yet. *The cutest little boy who played with the train set with me. I didn’t catch his name, but he was such a sweetie. His dad and brother are in the back doing a craft. The craft was an Arabian (or Arabic, I don’t know if that only refers to the language) lantern made with tissue paper. The theme this week was about Muslim culture since this month celebrates that, so all the books we read were centered around that theme. It was cool because I knew some of the words, traditions, and foods from Maddy and her mom! *My progression by the end of the day.*On my walk over to the pagoda.*At the pagoda. This area is so pretty and I feel like would be the perfect backdrop for a romantic comedy. You can hate on Missouri and St. Louis all you want, but we really are lucky to have places and areas like these. I have never been to New York and Central Park, I have only seen pictures, but to me I think Forest Park is just as beautiful as Central Park. *OMG, Starley, you would love it here! This is a goose that was nearby. I do not like geese or birds for that matter, so you can imagine my horror when it kept getting closer. That was a wise goose though because it left me alone. I shouldn’t really be worried though because it probably isn’t real, it’s just a robot spy from China, probably. #birdsarentreal4real*Me in the park, yes, my outfit was slaying 💅*The fit in its full glory. The skirt is vintage and thrifted, the top was discount Kohl’s, and I wore my white Birkenstocks with silver buckles.
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