Crisis Nursery week 2 Part 1.

Where do I start? Well, time is flying by fast with my time at Crisis Nursery. Here is my experience Monday through Wednesday. On Monday Morning, I got to the nursery around 9 am; the kids had already had breakfast served by the staff. What’s neat is every week, there comes a new set of kids; most kids only stay three to four days, and the most extended kids have stayed in a week. So, there was speculation that we would have twin newborns on Monday, which was true. I got there, and there were twin two months old, and then they had an older sibling, so there were three kids there, and then there were three other siblings of kids and then three more siblings. So, a total of eight kids is the most this specific nursery can have. The babies were so cute, but also it shocked me to realize how little they were and that their parents couldn’t take care of them then. The day was the same routine as every day. I was so excited to hold newborns and play with new kids, too. I got to learn a little about what the kids are allowed to play with. For example, they can only watch certain movies that are not inappropriate. They can’t play in the sprinklers or have a pool because of bacteria issues and safety issues. Only the staff is allowed to change them. Come back for part two to hear about the rest of the week.

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