Week 5 pt 2 Juvenile Courthouse

Today Mrs. Kirk had a meeting with two witnesses to prepare them for trial on Monday/Tuesday of next week. I signed a non disclosure agreement simply so that their identities are kept confidential along with their personal information. This post will be a bit confusing and kind of long because I’m not allowed to disclose names, so I apologize if I make zero sense. The case includes a mother and father of 6 kids, 5/6 of the kids, and the grandmother on the fathers side. The case is complicated, but essentially the mother reported that the father had physically abused his mother (the grandmother). He ended up going to jail multiple times over the course of 2 years for breaking probation and continuing to beat his mother as well as the mother of his kids. After forensic interviews were held with the oldest kids at the time (6 and 4 years old), they found out the father also beat his kids (the youngest being twins that were one year old) and threatened to shoot them all on multiple occasions. After all of these things occurred, the children were taken out of their home and the father was in and out of prison while the mother still stayed with him and ended up getting pregnant with another child of his. Mrs. Kirk’s team has now been working a TPR (termination of parental rights) for both parents. However, last week the mother’s lawyer informed Mrs. Kirk that she was going to consent to the TPR. The father also stated that he was planning on consenting but that he couldn’t until the morning of the trial. If he does, the trial will be cancelled and there will be a hearing to determine what happens next.

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