Blas – Week 6

This week I spent my time finishing my angular website. Through these days I learned about angular and the way different files connect through templates. Later, I continued to work with angular and attempted adding my Flask folder to my angular website. This ended up becoming a bigger struggle than I expected as I had to use the terminal and install the correct modules to my python environment in the corresponding directory.

After I finished my website on Thursday the lead developer from the QAC application team had to get a new employee up to speed on what their application and let me sit in on their meeting. Here I got a more thorough overview of what their application does. It was very informative and he gave me more details about what specific code they use and more on their architecture. This I found to be invaluable information for me as it gave me insight into two different projects and how they both work allowing me the ability to compare them side by side.

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