Week 7 pt 1 Juvenile Courthouse

Yesterday Robyn had a docket with about 7 or 8 cases for the morning, so I sat in on all of them. There was also a detention hearing that was supposed to turn into a motion hearing but the defense attorney that was supposed to give the motion had someone else fill in for him. The judge was pretty irritated by this, seeing as the motion was for a change of judge, so he didn’t even hear the motion and moved onto the detention hearing. After court, we had watched body cam footage for a trial on Tuesday. The footage ended up taking about 4 hours to get through, but it was really interesting seeing how the cops dealt with the parents and their 3 month old baby. This will be really helpful because the parents have denied everything that happened that night but when their lawyers show them the footage they’ll likely just consent. This would be ideal because if trial does go on, it’ll last for hours.

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