Blas: Days 3-4

During these days I continued to work through angular. I was able to spend some time talking to another developer working on a team that does analysis in a way of maps for the government. The application they are working on is called QAC…

Blas: Days 1-3

These days I spent working through Angular Javascript. Angular confused me and is still confusing me because the way they set things up in the code base uses multiple different files. A default angular website downloads code that has all the components and modules…

Back to the History Museum: World’s Fair Opening Weekend (4/27 & 4/28)

Saturday, 4/27: I arrived at the museum at noon and worked until 5:00. My first job was to be a gallery attendant at Coloring STL, which entails greeting visitors, answering questions, and erasing any writing. There were three families who must have been all…

Week 5 pt 2 Juvenile Courthouse

Today Mrs. Kirk had a meeting with two witnesses to prepare them for trial on Monday/Tuesday of next week. I signed a non disclosure agreement simply so that their identities are kept confidential along with their personal information. This post will be a bit…

senior project pt. 10

Still working on taking apart that deck from way back at the beginning of my internship and it’s still super fun! I love getting to just put on some music or an audio book and taking something apart. More meetings but nothing new. I…


Today, I showed Mike Steinmann at HITS. HITS is a company that scans paper documents and makes them digital. With the paper that is left, they can do three things. The first is to shred the paper. The second is to send the papers…

TCA pt.2

This week, I continued to work with my uncle. As I mentioned earlier, some franchises are suing corporations for charging them too much for marketing. So, for some of my time, I had a list of people who saw TCA for a digital ad,…

Week 5 pt 1 Juvenile Courthouse

This week was my first week with Robyn Kirk, an attorney at the Juvenile Courthouse Downtown. The attorneys there work on two sides of juvenile care: Child Protection Services and Juvenile Delinquency. Mrs. Kirk works with both sides, as well as cross-over cases, but…

Week 5 (4/22-4/28), Shakespeare Week

Thursday, 4/25: On Thursday, I helped with the Covenant Christian School’s production of ”MacBeth.” They are all 4th / 5th graders, so it was interesting to see their and Hannah’s approach to a very dark play, that quite frankly, even disturbs an adult cast….

Crisis Nursery week two Part 2.

Where do I start? Well, time is flying by fast with my time at Crisis Nursery. Here is my experience Monday through Wednesday. On Monday Morning, I got to the nursery around 9 am; the kids had already had breakfast served by the staff….