Final Week with Greg

So far this week I have gone to 4 different job sites and I would say that this week has been the most I’ve learned so far. During this week I have worked on another air condenser unit, I have also installed multiple ceiling lights for a home, and we have searched for water off switches for an apartment in Clayton.

Week 4: Benson Hill

Benson Hill is a plant science research center that primarily focuses on making soy and yellow pea plants more nutritious. The entire company operates around artificial intelligence which is called CropOs. All departments or “steps” in the plant transformation process use this AI. The seeds create oil, flour, and meal that is sold to a variety of manufacturing companies that create food, feed, and aquaculture feed.

This week I have been job shadowing Christine Althaber. She wears many hats for Benson Hill, but to put it plainly, she started out as a plant scientist that transformed plants then taught herself accounting and has worked her way up to managing a large majority of the budget for Benson Hill and basically fixes any problems that might occur within the departments. She has been able to explain to me what exactly Benson Hill is and how it was developed as a company. I have also been able to spend time with each of the departments to see firsthand how they operate individually as well as collaborate.

Below are samples of what they create through their gene editing.

Work Days with Restore St. Louis – week one part one

For the next two weeks I will be working with Rhiannon Stanley. She works for Work Days which is one of the seven ministries within Restore St. Louis, and Restore St. Louis is based out of New Fellowship Church. For the first day we met with a few potentially clients, Rhiannon mostly works with women and seniors. For the rest of the day we worked on counting up receipts from the materials used by current clients. The last couple of days we were building a new wheelchair ramp for one of her clients. It didn’t take as long as it usually does to build a wheelchair ramp because the frame from the old one was still intact. (We just added a few touch ups) Beside working with Rhiannon the entire time I also got to work with a few volunteers, which was great because they all taught me different techniques for building the ramp. So far I have really enjoyed working Work Days with Rhiannon!

Week Three 22nd Circuit Juvenile Office (City of St. Louis) (part two)

I have continued to observe different cases in court. I got to watch Robyn appear in court for CP case as well. For a couple of hours on Thursday I got to sit with a Juvenile Office Attorney on the delinquent side and watch police officers body cam footage. She explained to me the case and what she was looking for and I found the whole process very fascinating. She also talked to me about her time as a private attorney and I got to learn more about the pros and cons of being a private attorney. One of the cons being health insurance. For Friday they bought me lunch and took pictures with me! I had a great eye opening experience at the Juvenile Office and learned so much. For the next two weeks I will be at Restore St. Louis!

Week 4 Part 1

Monday I shadowed my dad around his office the entire day and ate lunch with him and his business partner again. My dad and his partner had a long meeting where they discussed a new referral program to generate new business. I feel like I’m learning a lot about business by shadowing my dad. On Tuesday me and my dad went in to Sullivan to meet with the accountant that takes care of the finances on our farm. Then we went up to St. Louis to visit Nathan in the hospital. It was very nice to talk to him for a couple hours and to see that he’s doing well. Afterwards, we had a meeting with my uncle and grandpa to talk about future real estate investments. Also, this morning we learned news that Nathan is getting out of the hospital on Thursday. Our family is really excited about this.

Lil Wayne

Today Lil Wayne is playing at The Factory. This is the biggest show I have witnessed working here. This is a sold-out show. None of the other shows I have worked on have sold out. Lil Wayne has requested quite a lot for his dressing room even though he is only going to be here for 100 minutes, 90 of which he is going to be on stage for! His crew and The Factory crew have been here since 9 am. The opener goes on at 7:45 pm and Lil Wayne goes on at 9:15 pm. That is 10 hours of setup. It is CRAZY!! But as for what I have done today, I have mostly just helped set up catering. Food is out the whole day today. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. So we’re pretty much always working on the food. But tonight I get to help sell merchandise! This is a first for me so I am super excited!

The crew putting together Lil Wayne’s stage set! Not even halfway done.

Week 4 -Nexul Academy

This week I am beginning my journey with coding for the next 3 weeks and so far it looks like a lot to memorize. When I have been looking at it and breaking it down though it is beginning to become a little bit easier to understand and recollect certain things. Sadly those things are what I have already learned from Dr. Urbano so I still have a lot of work to do. There are 4 courses I am planning on taking over these 3 weeks to see if I can get a grasp on any of it. These courses are Git, HTML and CSS, JavaScript, and C#. I am learning these courses in the way I ordered them because each course enables you to take a step further into different types of coding. Each course is basically a step towards the beginning of real coding. This is just a test to see if I can handle it and continue down this path. I wasn’t as excited thinking about it at first but now actually looking and seeing this stuff is getting me a little more into it. Hopefully I can find passion in doing this in some way for the sake of what I want to do in the future. Also if you are interested in coding the courses I am taking to start with are free so feel welcome to exploring this for yourself.

The library in the church

The library is small but there are a little places that have pillows but it was really old house and inside smells like old house and its really cold the woman who take care of the library she said that this library is existing for 20 years and some of the books are really old and kids have to be careful to not tore them. For 20 minutes she read one of the books for them and then kids are looking for books that they like to read.

This weak I’m shadowing a teachers at my church called Covenant Presbyterian Church. This kids are angels they are learning so fest and if you are goin to point to one of the laters on the alphabet and asked that letter is that they within one second going to tell you that it was a Z or D or K. Same with numbers they know what number is goin after what they can tell people that 23 is goin after 22 and 18 is going after 17. They also know how to spell their own names and can write them without any help.

Painting with Donahue company

People who I worked with said that that this paint smell bad but because I was spraying painting in makerspece I didn’t thought it was that bad.