Day 2

Today was my second day at Frick’s in Washington Mo. Yesterday when I got there I met all the people that I would see on a daily basis. After I got introduced to everyone Ellory the person who I am shadowing took me on a tour of the whole place. I saw the factory where they cut, clean, and then package the meat. After that we sat down and talked about my schedule, then we went to a meeting for a logo change. I never realized how much work is needed just to re brand things, so it was neat to see the work that is being put into it. They have been working on it for a really long time now and will continue to work on it even when I’m gone. After the meeting was done I was let off. Today was a short day because she had a meeting today and it wasn’t about marketing so she let me leave. Before I left today I was in a meeting with her and some other people and they had just got the ham they needed so they were inspecting it, to see how the packaging looks and they measured it to see if it was legal to sell. ( it has to be a certain weight for them to sell it n the shelves, I don’t know why.) After that meeting I went to a meeting with her and some other person and they talked about how to price the different meats. After that I folded and organized the shirts that were ordered. Its been a good two days so far!


Hi, my name is Olivia.  I’m in Dr. Urbano’s class and we are talking about blogging about our senior projects. I am working on Marketing and Photography and I’m really excited. It will be very neat to see what I learn through out the weeks. I’m working with four different people; Ellory Frick, Dana Marquart, Scott Woodbury, and Dr. Urbano. The first three weeks are devoted to marketing with Ellory Frick, and the other five weeks are devoted to photography with Dana Marquart, Scott Woodbury, and Dr. Urbano.

First snow.
First snow.