Paint, a lot of Paint

Due to technical difficulties I have not been able to post until recently, but thanks to Dr. Urbano and the guys at BestBuy now I can. I have moved my project almost entirely to art and learning new styles and experimenting with new mediums in order to become more knowledgeable and expand my skill set. So far I have experimented with cartooning, pattern design, Persian art, industrial art, sculpting, graffiti and some others. My newest medium is paint. I have been working alongside a long time family friend and professional painter Thai Ngyun. He has taught me a lot. This morning we worked on watercolor basics and using wax sticks and crayons to distort certain areas of the page. I have started to put together my final video. It will start with an interview of my mentor and move to several of his stills than mine along with time lapsed shorts of our work. At the moment that’s all I can remember that I ha

ve done since my last post. Lots of painting, new sketches and more to come!


This morning I spent about three hours mixing our bass and drum tracks that we have for “Fall In Love”, “One Plus One”, and “Leave Me Out Of It”. Using the process I learned at TBeats, I start by adding a compressor to each track to give it a little extra sound. If you get it too loud, the track will clip which creates a crackle. Next I add two one band EQs, one to cut off the highs and one to cut off the lows. Unless I’m trying to get a special effect, usually I just want to cut out the frequencies that I can’t hear but are still taking up space in the mix. Then if there are any frequencies that I want to feature or take out I use a seven band EQ and basically just sweep through it until I find something that I like or dislike. After doing this for each track, I send them to a bus which is basically a control track. For example, if I have five different drum tracks, I can send them to a bus and control the volume of the drums from just one track. Eventually once the mix is finished, every track should be sent to a bus and all of the buses sent to the master fader.

Alanna’s Senior Project (4/25/16)

Today I started my second week at SFW Partners, LLC. I filed another tax return for 2015 for the Maryville University golf coach. Then I went through the SFW website and looked at what every other person in the company does and also the different areas that they work with. This up coming week I want to learn more about

.payroll services

.budgeting analysis

.financial projections


.retirement planning

I choose these things because as I was doing the tax return today, nothing sparked my interests. I am very good with the program and I’m catching on very quickly, it’s just not something I could see my self doing 5 days a week from 9-5. So at least this project helped me cross one thing off the list of potential things I would want to pursue in the future.


Yesterday I spent most of the day working on mixing Phill’s upright bass that he recorded for “Fall In Love” and getting it ready for next week when we add lead guitar. That was difficult because I had never recorded or mixed an upright bass before. After many YouTube videos, it actually turned out pretty good. After that we began recording a recent addition to the EP that has yet to be named. All of today will be spent recording this new song which is coming together much quicker than some of the other songs we have been recording.

Here is a photo of Phill recording upright bass.
Here is a photo of Phill recording upright bass.


These days I am just doing more experiments, and this picture is one of the experiments that I did. This stuff is used for the playground in school, like track field. It is green design, because the material that we use to make it are old tires. We use machine to break them into pieces and use our special liquid to jell them together. It is easy and healthy.IMG_0563


Last week was TJ prom, and I did Haizea and Annemarie’s hair and makeup. Haizea’s makeup  was more natural look and Annemarie’s more dramatic. I used this opportunity to practice different kinds of makeup that I have been learning at Sephora.

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I helped the salon peel these foil paper, the foil parer is for the customers dye their hair. It just easier to separate layers.

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Myanmar’s New Year

Last week was Myanmar’s New Year. The biggest and the most notable activity was called Water-Sprinkling Festival. As you all can see from the pictures, people splashed water over each other for fun as well as blessing to rinse away sickness and misfortune. What we did was, a person drove a truck, and the rest of people stood on top of it. Whenever we saw human-being, we splashed water over him(her or them). IMG_3760IMG_3661