
This week I started photography at Photogenics in Washington, Mo. I love it. I have learned so many different ways to take pictures. I learned what all the settings were, which is good because I didn’t know how or when to use a lot of them. I am only doing this for a week and then next week I start my photography at Shaw’s Nature Reserve, which I’m really excited for too.

This picture is one I took last week at school.


Alanna’s Senior Project (4/20/16)

Today I started the day off filing a brand new tax return all by my self. Nothing was scanned into the computer or e-filed so I was given a stack of papers full of numbers and tax forms. At first I had no idea what to do with the information that was given to me, but once I sat down I figured it out fairly quickly. I am actually very surprised how easily I caught on to the tax filing program and how quickly I entered everything in. When I was done John and I sat down and went through everything and I got it all right. They are going to use what I worked on and completed when they go to finish filing the clients taxes. After that I stuffed envelopes full with invoices to be billed out later today and talked to 3 girls in the office about their daily routine. They showed me the different programs they use and what they accomplish, they showed me what different forms look like and what they are used for and they also showed me how they proofread projected financial reports.

Alanna’s Senior Project (04/19/16)

Today I started my third week of my project at SFW Partners, LLC. They have a lot of CPA’s and management consultants. I am working with John Schnurbusch and he is teaching me the ropes of an accounting software called Lacerte Individual Tax. I started out the day looking at the program and comparing it to an already filed tax return. I compared the numbers and I found where they were taken from. Then I was given a blank document and I had to file everything myself. When I was done John helped me go through it and correct any mistakes. After that was all done, I went out to lunch with the girls in the office and we talked about what I learned and what I should expect for the next two weeks.


Yesterday I realized that recording is not always fun. We sat for about four hours mixing just one song. But I have continued to learn tons of interesting and helpful information from Brandy and the other engineers at TBeats Studios. Today, Phill Sansone is coming in to record his upright bass on a song called “Fall In Love”. I’m really excited for this song because not only is it a catchy song, it will have upright bass and probably just some guitar licks on an acoustic. It is a very simple song but the musicians we have playing on it are both very talented so I really think they are going to be able to bring this song to a different level than some of the other songs on the EP.


So for the past two days I’ve been at SES. Yesterday I arrived and got a short tour around the building I was in. They have many different buildings that do all different things. The one I’m in is where all the office work gets done. In case you don’t know what SES does I’ll tell you. SES have over 50 geo-stationary satellites in orbit providing Internet, over 7,200 TV channels to over 312 million homes, telephone services, and pretty much anything else to do with satellites. Also, they have over 1,500 employees world wide. They have offices all over the world, but their headquarters are here in Luxembourg. They have a field of satellite dishes that are massive. I will try and post a picture next time I post an entry. They also control all the satellites here at this location. I have been told I will get a tour of the whole facility sometime before the end of the week. I’m not sure if I can take pictures everywhere but I will try to.

Delivering a sewing machine to a sample room next to Empire State Building in New York City, it was fun delivering a machine you assemble, like sending your kid to somewhere but never see him again.

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So, for the past week I have been at the company footfall. I have been helping them develop a introduction program for two of their new employees who will be doing telemarketing. I also did research into some of their products for them. I discovered some certifications that some of their products had they will now be able to display on their website and ads. I have left Galway, Ireland now and I am now in Luxembourg. I had to fly from Dublin to Frankfurt. From Frankfurt my uncle picked me up and drove me to his house. Now the time difference between me and STL is seven hours. I’ll do my best to keep you updated.


These days I did more experiments, and I finally finished works yesterday. I was suppose to finish it by last week, but the guy he gave me more papers to organize therefore I need more time to finish it. I put those papers in three boxes, and put them from large number to small number, so later it will be easier to organize if they have more paper.IMG_0481 IMG_0469 IMG_0468

Day 7 8 9 10

These couple days I’ve been learning different kinds of hair styles by myself. I was doing Haizea and Anemarie’s hair for prom, but I forgot to take some pictures of their hair. The TJ prom is coming, so I am doing their hair again, I won’t forget this time. At Sephora, I’ve learned a lot by watching the artists do custom’s makeup, and they have class once a week so I can stand there and watch. I bought a lot of new brushes and products to practice my own makeup everyday. One day my manager says my makeup’s skills are improving.  (*^__^*)         2B0D022F819C8261A128FF2CDE508AA0      3C4F838A77EC79BC3CAA06F25287B1E2  9E8A64822EA5E11EE91FDD7E91DB6B54       C2BB35A30C354A2DC5D472110FFEC32B