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The teaching job at the Chinese school was no longer fresh to me. There weren’t any interesting things happened in the class in the last week. Students here have computer class, Chinese history, geography, and Chinese. However, I can only sometimes teach Chinese. Teachers have their own curriculum plans. Thus, for most of my time, I generally helped students with their work, corrected their pronunciation, and sometimes talked with the teachers here regarding to their experiences and impressions of Myanmar. 

We have started recording!

Yesterday we had Cody, the drummer who is playing on the EP, come in and record the drum part for the first track on the album, “Leave Me Out Of It”. It took us a little more than four hours before we got it just like we wanted it. Although we recorded it all the way through, we still need to go back and add a couple background parts tomorrow. Today I spent the day at TBeats. We gave tours to an Australian guy who works for “Ponto Solutions” in the advertising and marketing section, and a singer songwriter named Greg who was interested in recording and collaborating with Tony, the owner of TBeats. I also got to work a bit with a different TBeats engineer named Malcolm who produces EDM, rap, trap, and house music. Almost everyone I talked to today was interested in working with me in some form later on, most importantly a young rapper who is coming to record one of his songs in my studio on Friday afternoon.

Final Week of Marketing

Today is Tuesday, April 12. Today was the second to last day at Frick’s. Its gone by really fast. Today I helped Ellory with the Frick’s Website. I looked it over and gave her an idea that she might use when they update the website. Tomorrow is my last day at Frick’s. I’m really glad I got the opportunity to shadow a company like this. I have learned so much and can’t wait to share it soon.


Yesterday (Monday) I arrived into Ireland. I spent the first half of the day just resting up. I then spent the second half of the day learning about my uncles business. He runs his own business called Niall O’Regan Financial Services.It’s based out of his house. He has his own office where he does all of his business. Today (Tuesday) I was at a company called footfall. The owner, Malcom, is my uncles neighbor and good friend. They do enterance matting. To fully understand what they do you’ll have to look at their website footfall.ie. I spent today learning about the company and the products. I will be there for the rest of the week. I’ll keep you updated as time goes on.


Today I learned new stuff, the picture showing below is a machine called Titrator. This helps you find the water percentage in the liquid that you are testing. It was interesting, you just need to put the liquid that you want to test into the yellow liquid, and the machine will automatically calculate the water percentage in this liquid.IMG_0475 IMG_0476


You all have my sincerest apology for not posting daily, as is required. For the past week I have been scanning papers, shredding papers, packaging products, and getting products ready to ship. I am now in the airport waiting to bard my plane to Ireland. So hopefully this next week will be more interesting. I’ll keep you posted. Robert out.

Day 1

Being late to senior project because my ID was expired, I just arrived yesterday 11:30 pm. Forgetting about the jet lag, today I have worked for the first day to learn how a simple needle machine and a special machine work. I am probably gonna work on assembling a machine for my whole project. Also communicating with most of the staffs in the company, they have been working there for 10 years, a lot of experiments and I still got a lot to learn. IMG_8878IMG_8910