
Today is Tuesday and its the start of my second week at Frick’s. This week is more planned out then last week, which is nice because I like to know whats happening. A big thing in Washington is Baconfest which is were a lot of vendors that sell bacon attend, and people can go sample it. One of the tasks that Ellory gave me was to brainstorm some ideas on how to “market” Baconfest. Today I asked if they had ever promoted anything a video slideshow and she said that they never have before, so now I’m in charge of that and its really exciting because thats something I know how to do. I think it will be up on the Facebook page so that’s pretty exciting too.

New Challenges

So far my challenges lay in finding out how to post videos on YouTube in higher quality. It has only been my art videos that wont come out in hq at the moment. Also on my in game captures for video editing m voice echos and tends to be much louder than the people I am playing with. I have made it closer to even but I haven’t had much time to fiddle with my settings.


Oh boy was today exciting. I spent the entire day putting bar code stickers on packages. I was supposed to have a meeting with an accountant but unfortunately she was busy so it had to be moved to next week. This whole week I was supposed to be working with a woman who deals with all the promotional products that Semco makes. Unfortunately she has been out sick. Hopefully she will be back next week so I can work with her.


Back to the copy room for me. Again I spent most of the day in the copy room scanning files. I also helped out some other people with some of their extra work. Toward the end of the day I had a meeting with Steffanie Thomas who is the customer service director. She handles all the communication between the customer and Semco. She is on call 24/7 for the customer, if their is a problem she has to deal with it day or night. Her job requires much more work than I initially thought.


Day two at Semco. I got to sit in on a meeting about all of the orders they have for all of the companies they deal with. It was very interesting. I also did lots of scanning. I had to scan papers for Ronnie who does all of the quoting for their potential customers. There’s a lot of papers. For most of the day I sat in the copy room and scanned files. I also had a meeting with Matt Waisiak who is the National Sales Manager. He is responsible for bringing in new customers. He showed me some of the presentations that he would show a potential customer. It was very interesting and I learned a lot.

Day 4

Theses days are very interesting to me so far, I worked lots of samples in the lab, and today I did lots of paper works. I have to organize them by numbers but there are millions of papers, so it was really hard for me to organize, and I didn’t finish it. Hopefully I can finish them by next week!IMG_0430 IMG_0442 IMG_0444

Day 1 2 3

I went to two places these days,  in the morning I went to Bella Gente Salon to shadowing a lady who works there, and watched her dying and cutting customers’ hair. After, I went to a makeup store called “Sephora”. Whenever people comes to try the products in the beauty studio and I can go watch the artists how to use the products and learn. I walked around the store and tried the samples they provides just kind of knowing what they have in the store, because If you want to learn how to put makeup on people’s face you got to know what products they have first.C76E20103A1EBC2F394E507E77DC47FCBB0EF17116762ED8A66D1F1FC7ED58F1 EE34FBEE98F2E94E72A6B18CFBA4F76D