Day Three

Today I actually got to use ProTools (the digital audio workstation that TBeats uses) to mix a song that Brandy recorded a while ago. It was difficult at first but after a couple hours of EQing and compressing vocal tracks to get rid of unwanted frequencies and boost sound levels, I started to catch on. Then a rapper who is an artist on the TBeats label and a guy who works in the marketing section of the company that owns the St. Louis radio stations 104.1 and 95.5 came in to record a commercial. We had a brainstorming session to come up with exactly what we wanted to say in the 10 second long radio spot. After close to 15 takes we finally got it. Attached is a picture of the mixing console and the session I was mixing.



Day 3

This morning I worked at Frick’s and all I did was sit in meetings and it wasn’t very fun because I didn’t understand any of it. This week was cut short because the person I am shadowing had an emergency out of town meeting. So this afternoon I came to school and I have started work with Dr. Urbano, which is finding different flowers around the outside of the school and then taking pictures of them. I will be doing that the next two days.

Alanna’s Senior Project (3/29/16)

Today Mrs.Hardcastle and I made mineral makeup and nail polish, now I know what your thinking, what could I possibly learn from that? Well when we were done we took the final product and figured how much each individual bottle/container cost us so she could come up with a price for a class she will teach involving these things. The next thing we did was talked about a few books she wanted me to read about the presentation of your company, customer service, changing your priorities to best fit your business, and how to not procrastinate on succeeding. Finally we watched a few safety videos about Lye (a chemical used in many things including soap making) since we will be making a batch of soap at the end of the week.

Day Two

Today I spent about two hours in the morning writing out more sheet music (which I still haven’t quite gotten the hang of). Then I went to TBeats studios which was really amazing. I worked with Brandy and she started explaining the many knobs and switches of their 48 channel SSL AWS948 recording console to me. She showed me the live room where they record drums and piano and we briefly talked about the set up for a recording session (tomorrow I will be sitting in on a session). I also met Tony who is the owner of TBeats, and a couple other employees as well.

Day 2

Today was my second day at Frick’s in Washington Mo. Yesterday when I got there I met all the people that I would see on a daily basis. After I got introduced to everyone Ellory the person who I am shadowing took me on a tour of the whole place. I saw the factory where they cut, clean, and then package the meat. After that we sat down and talked about my schedule, then we went to a meeting for a logo change. I never realized how much work is needed just to re brand things, so it was neat to see the work that is being put into it. They have been working on it for a really long time now and will continue to work on it even when I’m gone. After the meeting was done I was let off. Today was a short day because she had a meeting today and it wasn’t about marketing so she let me leave. Before I left today I was in a meeting with her and some other people and they had just got the ham they needed so they were inspecting it, to see how the packaging looks and they measured it to see if it was legal to sell. ( it has to be a certain weight for them to sell it n the shelves, I don’t know why.) After that meeting I went to a meeting with her and some other person and they talked about how to price the different meats. After that I folded and organized the shirts that were ordered. Its been a good two days so far!


Today was my first day at Semco. When I got there I took a tour of their facilities, I met everyone in the offices, and learned a little bit about what they do. When I was on a tour of the factory I learned what they make and how they make it. They have a vast array of machines that can be used for all different projects. They also design some of their own machines that improve speed and efficiency in the assembly lines. For the majority of the day i was working with a woman named Brittany in the warehouse. She manages all of their promotional products, such as phone stands, gap sticks, key chains, etc… She showed me how these products were labeled and packaged. While I was with her she was fulfilling an order for Google for about 1000 phone stands with googles logo on it. I helped her where every I could, doing mostly boring work but work nonetheless. I am excited to see what tomorrow holds.

Alanna’s Senior Project (3/28/16)

Today was day one of my two weeks with Sharon Hardcastle. She is teaching me the fundamental steps to owning your own independent business and she is also teaching me how she makes and markets her bath and body products. Today all we did was talk about the steps in starting up your own business, how to factor in all the different finances to come up with the best and most profitable price for your product, we also made a body scrub and then calculated a potential cost (factoring in raw materials, labor, and packaging). Finally I started watching a video that went along with a program called Price-O-Matic, which is a business and profit calculator.

Mixing a body scrub
Mixing a body scrub

First Day

Today was my first day doing my senior project, and I went to the company with my uncle. When I walked in, I feel like I was walking into Dr. Urbano’s classroom but much bigger because there are so many chemical stuff and lots of lab rooms. I did some samples about the liquid mix together and I felt it was very interesting. There are some cool stuffs in the lab and some of them I still didn’t know what they are but I will figure them out.


Day One


Today was the first day of my project. Before we can begin recording anything, we have to write out all of the parts for the instruments in each of the songs. As you can imagine, this is quite challenging and time consuming. I am hoping to finish every part in the next two weeks so we can start recording. The attached picture is of the sheet music I wrote for the bass.