ABS is a plastic made of acrylonitrile, butadiene and styrene. Its kinda a rubber of sorts. A notable downside is that when it cools, it has the potential to shrink and throw off the entire print. Basicly, it is much more suseptable to the environment while printing, but when completed succesfully will be more durrable than PLA. It will also bend a little before breaking, though it is less durable.

above is an example of one such instance. This is the result of the fan over acting when working with ABS, which ended up snaping the modles off of the baseboard midprint.


PLA is less sensitive to tempurature changes, and is one of the easier to use. It wont work with wear and teare designs in comparison to ABS, even though PLA will take more stress before breaking. As it turns out PLA means polylactic acid. This plastic dosn’t work under continuous pressure, and may deform or crack if not taken care of/used properly.


PTEG stands for Polyethylene terephthalate, where the G stands for glycol. It is a more recent material compared to the other two, and has some of the aspects of both ABS and PLA. Examples are be more ease of use, the durability, and the tempurature resistance. It needs a slower fan speed and cant be used on a glass like material, but can stand up to wear well enough.

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