WWT – Comprehension Feedback System

For WWT 2024 I helped Damien and Peter assemble a box with a dial, and you can turn the dial to show how much you understand the lesson. This information will be used by the AI to help make accurate and useful notes and…

WWT – AI Student

For this year’s WWT we made an AI that intakes the audio of, for example a lecture, and customizes the transcript as the person wants it. The projects physical aspect would be interactive dials, buttons and sensors to show the understanding of a lecture….

WWT 2024 – Human interface for AI

For 2024’s WWT challenge we had to build an ethical AI for use in the classroom. My job was building the human input devices or HIDs, similar to a keyboard and mouse for a computer, these devices allow the teachers and students to control…

WWT 2024 | Environmental Sensor

For WWT I worked on setting up enviormental sensors cameras and microphones to help us get all the data we need to create the optimal learning enviorment for our students. The enviormental sensors like the light sensor and co2 sensor paired with our attention…

StudentAI: WWT Project Video (2024)

WWT 2024- AI as a Student

For WWT this year I interviewed multiple teachers and got their input on our project and their ideas for improving it. I also did the overview of our project for our video and brainstormed what this project could eventually turn into. Some of the…

I dialed

Peter and I made the dial box out of laser-cut particle wood. This box will show the user’s comprehension of a lecture to help the teacher know what to talk about more. I also made the 2nd top for the dial box, this version…