1st quarter blog post- Fire Arrow

For my 1st quarter makerspace project I made a Chinese fire arrow, the rocket variant specifically.

How I made it: the first thing I did was cut a dowel rod to an appropriate length, then I drilled a whole in a scrap block of wood for the tip. Then I sanded down the tip to make a point and friction fit the tip onto the dowel rod. The next thing I did was laser cut 3 fletchings and attach them on the end of the dowel rod each at 120 degrees using glue. Lastly, I glued on a rocket motor to the shaft and glued string around the rocket motor to make it look realistic.

If I made this again I would sand down the tip completely before I attach it onto the dowel rod, because sanding it while on the dowel rod made it difficult for me to reach certain areas of the tip.

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