Makerspace at the Fulton School
I carved a wooden spoon for my first makerspace project. It’s a little rough but I don’t think it’s terrible for my first time. I learned how much pressure to put with the tools, which way to cut, what types of wood is best…
For my Makerspace project, I created a Goku figurine. Goku is a fictional character from the book and show Dragon Ball Z, which I really enjoy. That’s why I chose to make him for my project. Here’s how I made it: I first visited…
one thing that chicken middle made for the craft fair was small wooden Christmas trees around nine and a halve centimeters tall which were painted Green and decorated with different color markers to look like ornaments after we colored them we drilled a hole…
As you all know, I’ve been making (attempting) a spear. Here’s a quick recap of what happened. First, I found a stick and started making a spear. Then came interims and I was forced to make it international, I decided to do it based…
This is a 3d printed crown. The first time I tried to print it, it was wayyy to big , so I scaled it down and reprinted it.The second time it was the perfect size which is 45mm.
For my makerspace project I am building an Antweight Robot ( like BattleBots but smaller) called November Ajax ( after my favorite movie pacific rim). so in march I am going to be working on motors (propulsion system) for my robot, what I decided…
for the past week I have been working on improving my drawing skills. I have been mostly working on drawing eyes and mouths. I will eventually work on drawing noses but they are hard, and I don’t like to draw them so I will…
My idea for this is that it will be two wooden Sickles, I also wanted to make two because I thought it would be an interesting idea. I have not made it yet so this is the concept which shows the dimensions of what…
I made this bracelet out of yarn, beads, and hot glue. I didn’t have the proper string* so I had to improvise by using yarn, which started to fall apart. I’ll need to get the proper string and learn how to tie a easier…
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