
For the second Quarter of makerspace I finished building the sandbox for the lower school. The sandbox is a hexagon. I built the sandbox design that Lily made. The ends of the wood planks are cut at a 30 degree angle to have a…

Makerspace project part 2

During the last semester Ella and I had a bunch of different ideas for projects we could accomplish its been a slow process trying to pick a project to start with. Our ideas were to maker more bird houses, paint some walls in makerspace,…

Makerspace project

For my makerspace project My partner Ella and I took the list of students of the whole school names and put there names onto wood cutout shapes to display in makerspace. The process of doing this was Ella was on the website where you…

Family Wall Piece

A Christmas present I made in the makerspace this quarter is a family wall piece. The first thing that I did was find a picture of two branches with leaves. I wanted two branches so that I could do two layers and have the…

Coffee Tray

One of the things I have made this quarter is a coffee tray. My dad was using a cardboard box to hold all his coffee essentials so I created a new one out of wood for him. I used Inkscape to make a box…

LED night light

For one of my makerspace projects, I made a LED night light. The first thing that I did was create the box in Inkscape. I put a level in the middle of the box so I could later put the LED strip on it….

[Maker] Space Painting

For another project I decided to paint a painting to represent makerspace and I thought a fun way of doing that was to do a space themed painting! The painting features the solar system with the sun and planets, a comet, an alien, a…

Makerspace Help

Alex and I helped Dr. Urbano in makerspace by typing out more names on the tiles that were a part of the world wide technology project last year. It was the last day before winter break and between finals so we only worked for…


I had the crazy idea to build a headboard for a bed. I saw a heart shaped headboard on pinterest but I can’t seem to find it anywhere that I can buy it. So I might just make it. Amelia said she would help…

Coffee Table

During makerspace I worked on my resin coffee table. I honestly haven’t done much because I kept forgetting to bring in the resin I ordered. But I have ordered the table legs and am waiting for those to be shipped to me. Hopefully I’ll…