Organizing the World Wide Technology Project

The portion of our project that I contributed to was focused on the personal profiles of each student as well as on creating our presentation video. The first step was to confirm that it was okay to share student information throughout the directory as…

Learning JavaScript: WWT project.

During the WWT project, I was a part of the programming team. My job was to make the website functional, such as making buttons work, having the website redirect you to different pages, and more. I mostly coded in JavaScript using HTML when needed….

My First Makerspace

This was my first time doing Makerspace for an elective. I’ve been in the Makerspace before I’ve just never taken it as an elective. I used to paint on the wall. I created the “Nether portal” from Minecraft around the door to the storage…

Programming for WWT

I was the main designer for our webpage, meaning that I spent a lot of time figuring out how to use a grid layout to position everything on the web page with CSS. I started by drawing out what I had imagined each of…

World Wide Technology – Fulton Icebreaker

Our school partnered with World Wide Technology to create a project as a solution to a prompt that was given to us. This year’s prompt was centered around diversity, inclusion, and equity. Our solution was to create something within our Makerspace to include ALL…

Spencer’s stickers

Wills interim makings

Will’s Interim makings This week in the maker space interim I learned how to use the vinyl cutter and the laser machine. With the vinyl cutter I made the stickers shown above. This was really cool to make and also very cool to see…

Country Ornaments

I finished making country outline ornaments for my mom. Each ornament is a country she has visited. I found outlines of the country on Google Images and formatted them for the laser cutter, adding a circular cut out at the top. That took a…

The Old Course Laser Engraving

For this quarter I spent most of the time working on a laser engraving of the Old Course at St. Andrews Golf Links in Scotland. This is one of the most famous courses in golf and it was the first golf course ever made….

Programming Class Quadratics

This program was started in my math class but was quickly transferred to the programming elective that I am in. In the elective, I was able to not only complete the programming but also test different theories by running the code (this can be…