Fixing My Belt

My belt was loose so I used the I-fixit toolkit to refasten the leather to the belt buckle.

Makerspace Progress

I have been working on two websites: the first one being the website for the Makerspace Business Club, and the second one being the macro-invertebrate log for the ITEF grant. Neither of them are done yet, but the both of the websites are up…

Raspberry Pi Stepper Motor 28BYJ-48

Too set up your stepper motor you first need to make the circuit. You can connect the motor straight to the raspberry pi if you would like. I used this link. Make sure you know what GPIO you use for the four inputs. Next,…

Snowman Ornaments

During the interim last week, I made snowman ornaments in Makerspace Business. I made a basic design of three overlapping circles, and then designed a hat. I then had to figure out how to make an outline that cut out, and if I did…

How to 3D Scan an Object

HOW TO SCAN AN OBJECT: Choose an object and place it on a tall surface or if you’re planning on spinning the object to scan it, place it on the lazy susan. If you’re scanning a person, just have them straight sit on a…

Foosball table project

We want to make a new foosball table for high school so that is my mission for this year

Coasters 2.0

I have been working this year on making coasters to celebrate the school’s 25th anniversary. This is one of the 10 designs so far.

Building a Greenhouse ‘Round the Dusty Stuff

We built a greenhouse around the sander in order to keep the dust in. The whole basementnasium will not get super dusty now. We have a dust collector inside to filter the inside air also. As long as we keep the walls closed the…

Luggage Tags

For the Makerspace Business club I made luggage tags. They are made out of blank anodized aluminum tags that we ordered from a manufacturer on Ebay, and I used the laser cutter to etch in the designs. My friend and I designed the tags…

Circle Puzzle

I made a Circle Puzzle for the lower school, it consists of a wooden platform cut out from the laser, and another piece glued on top of that that has different size circles cut out from it. The goal for the lower school is…