Finished project: Name in Languages

I had a few problems with this. At first, when I was trying to design it the first time, it wouldn’t come out correct. The words would be mashed together and the actual languages would be added with different things. I had to re-save…

Speaker Process Images

My name in multiple languages

For my second project, I am going to have my name written in multiple languages.the first one is ダニエル. This is Daniel in Japanese. The literal translation is Danieru. The second one is دانيال. This translates to Danial. This is Arabic. Next, we have…


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Global Chicken

I made a chicken using almost all outlines of the continents and some islands. It turned out better than I had though. I though it wouldn’t look like a chicken what so ever. I learned how to use Corel properly and how to break…

Finished Project: Boomerang

I did as I planned, but what I could do better is to make sure that the measurements are right before cutting, because it could mess up the whole project. The reason I say that is because I thought that, at first, I had…

Speaker Project

Matt Duff, Brennan, and I are building a speaker from the raw components. We will be using a stationary magnet, wire to form a coil around the magnet, and a plate attached to the wire as the vibrating component. We will then experiment with…

Speaker Project

For my makerspace project I am going to be making a speaker that can be used with an aux cord. I will be working with Nick and Brennan, and I will be working on coiling the wires and part of the construction of the…

International Chess Board Design:

This is the design for the International Chess Board that I made during Interim Week. This Chess Board has all the names of the first eight countries/places to start to play chess, and also has the names of each country in their most common…

International Chess Board

For the Maker-space interim I am going to make a chess board with the names of all the first countries to start playing chess engraved in the white squares. To make this I will use the template I previously made to engrave a piece…