Speaker Project

For my makerspace project I am going to be making a speaker that can be used with an aux cord. I will be working with Nick and Brennan, and I will be working on coiling the wires and part of the construction of the…

International Chess Board Design:

This is the design for the International Chess Board that I made during Interim Week. This Chess Board has all the names of the first eight countries/places to start to play chess, and also has the names of each country in their most common…

International Chess Board

For the Maker-space interim I am going to make a chess board with the names of all the first countries to start playing chess engraved in the white squares. To make this I will use the template I previously made to engrave a piece…

International Chicken

I’m going to rearrange the continents to form a chicken kind of like this: https://thebattousai.wordpress.com/2012/03/20/continent-chicken-joy-for-luhyas/


Boomerangs were originally used by Australian aborigines. I would like to make some kind of boomerang similar to those sold now. This website has the kind of boomerang that I would like to make. I plan to make the boomerang by wood. https://www.fotosearch.com/CSP337/k46850079/ I’m…

Kunai Knife

A kunai Knife was originally made as a garden tool for the Japanese, but wasn’t very sharp. The Kunai later developed into a weapon of battle, that was sharpened and used for combat. I want to make a Kunai Knife to practice my knife…

Plant Cell Pinball Machine

The purpose of my project is to make a Plant Cell Pinball Machine. The project has been started for a science project. This is version two of the pinball machine.


For my ring I’m going to put a picture of the earth and put glass or resin bubble over it.

Rings project proposal

For my ring I am going to put a picture of the city I was born in in the ring.

Camera Slide Plan