These are resin dinosaur coasters I made by laser cutting the dinos, the original design came from Conner Frank. Then I made the resin by mixing equal parts of part A and part B for 4 minutes. After that I poured a little of the resin in the molds and then carefully placed the dinos in. Then I filled resin around them and waited for it to cure (which takes 24 hours). then I made a little more resin and poured it on top so none of the wood was sticking out.
The first thing I did was pick a photo. Then I had to do the math to find the size of the bottle. then I printed out a photo of Buch on a special paper. last I got the heat press and did it. It turns out very green not as blue as I wanted.
During the quarter I mostly worked on my knitting project. I started it last year but didn’t finish it. I plan to finish the yarn and then find a use for it or continue it if I find any inspiration.
For community service, I had to remake these tiles but bigger. I mostly just copy and pasted the preexisting tile and then changed the letters.
For quarter one, I brought in a long slab of wood previously used as an outdoor table and created a Glacier table with the help of Doc and Millie. The slab had a large split in one end that we filled with resin. First, Doc sanded it down to make it all smooth. Then, we taped up the edges and made a duct tape wall so the resin wouldn’t spill out of the split. After taping, the first layer of resin was poured, this layer was clear. After it cured, the second layer was poured, this layer was light blue. After this layer was cured, we made an almost white resin mixture and used it to design a glacier. While the glacier was curving, we broke apart pieces of cured blue epoxy and glued them on other parts of the ‘water’ to look like icebergs. Peter printed out tiny polar bears, and we glued them sporadically across the water and icebergs. After everything was cured, another resin layer was added as a top coat. Unfortunately, the resin was spilled on the part of the table that was supposed to stay as raw wood, but Doc is sanding it off.
After wearing my glasses for a ling period of time, the screws become loose. I used a screwdriver to tighten them.
I made it out of wood using the CNC. the design of the hammer was from the game war hammer. I would say it turned out good. the thing had some mess ups. like the splinter had a note. it also did not like the settings. Sometimes when it was cutting it barely even cut the wood. so we had to change some of the settings. the things I think I need to work on are, not tackling so long to figure out why the splinter and the settings were not working.
I made the back of the hammer smother and pointed at the end. It kinda looks like a axe face but way less sharp. I used a rasp and a chisel to make it a bit more sharp. In the process of making the back look like a axe I stabbed myself with the chisel. It bled for around 10 minutes. after that, I made a share that my left hand was behind my back when I was chiseling. the things that I need to work on are not stabbing myself with a chisel.
first I made the design on inventables and it took way to much time. Then I used the CNC machine and I made the sword. After that, we rasped and sanded the sword to look smooth and drilled a hole in the middle. So then we put the epoxy in the hole with tape on the bottom and left it overnight. When we had the next Makerspace class, the epoxy was gone and it leaked through the tape and made the sword stuck to the table. I tried to pull it off and the sword broke in 2. As you can see from the image, it was pretty much unfixable. so next time I’ll make it again and hopefully not ruin it with epoxy.
For my maker space project this quarter I made a table for the math room out of a slice of log. There was a cut in the wood so we used resin to make a miniature river with a glacier and ice burgs. There are even little polar bears on some of the icebergs. It was a very fun project to do and now all we have to do now is put legs on it. The only mistake on the table is the top coat has a lot of bubbles in it so it looks a little weird. We might sand it down and re do the top coat later.
I have been working on a couple things this semester, First thing is a F-35 model,
An F-35 is a Multi role 5th gen US fighter jet, I used Tinkercad to make the model.
It was a long process and will be finished soon, the remaining steps is to print it out and paint it.
The next thing I worked on is a Presentation of the D.C trip us middle schoolers took.
It will be finished soon and Presented in Morning meeting.
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