Model Room: Maus

Model room of Maus 1

This is a model room of the book Maus 1. Our class had to do a project on the book after we finished reading it. My group decided that we wanted to do something with the makerspace so we decided to make a model of one of the rooms described in the book. We had to choose how we where going to make things 3D, and if we were going to make the windows see through, and if we were going to make the door be able open and close or not mechanical. We ended up making the windows and doors out of vinyl. All the the objects in the room were made using a box design and then we glued them together.


Copying one code from a Raspberry Pi to another. Trying to set up a second hydroponics system.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import RPi.GPIO
import time
import sys

# The Raspberry Pi pins used to control the power strips
setPin = 3


runTime = int(sys.argv[1])

timeUnit = 'sec'

    timeUnit = sys.argv[2]
    if timeUnit == 'min':
        runTime *= 60
    print('Defaulting time units to "sec" (other option: "min")')
    print('> ' + sys.argv[0] + ' sec')

#Set up the pin as an output    
RPi.GPIO.setup(setPin, RPi.GPIO.OUT)

startTime = time.strftime('%a, %d %b %y: %H:%M:%S', time.localtime())
print("Start pump at:", startTime)

#Turn pin on
RPi.GPIO.output(setPin, True)

for i in range(runTime):
    if i%10 == 0:
        print( '{t}/{n} sec. ({p:.1f}%)'.format(t=i, n=runTime, p=100.0*i/runTime) )

#Turn pin off
RPi.GPIO.output(setPin, False)
endTime = time.strftime('%a, %d %b %y: %H:%M:%S', time.localtime())
print("End pumping at:", endTime)
The hydroponics system in the science lab.

Tetrahedra and Icosahedra

This is Blas’s icosahedra and tetrahedra set that was made as a math project. Then he made it for a present. Later on the Makerspace Business Club started selling them. A tetrahedron has four sides each side has a triangle face. With that in mind Blas decided to add puzzle edges to the sides of the triangles. Inside the big tetrahedra there are a bunch of triangle sides that are used for having fun and creating cool things. It is possible to make an icosahedra with the little triangles. Each edge of the small triangles have either one or two tabs for attaching one to another. Which means there are four different types of puzzle piece. They are fun to play with.

Sound Box

gluing together the structure of the box.

Organizer Update

Over the past two days I have been designing and lasering my organizer box. When I first tried to put it together the shelves that I added did not align with the cutout places it was supposed to fit in. So, I redesigned the shelves hoping it would work. But, when I printed it again it did not fit. I ended up sawing off the edges of the shelf where it was supposed to fit in—to make it only insert on one side of the box. I glued the other sides to make sure it wouldn’t fall. Hopefully this will work.

Finished rings

Sarah and I finished making our global rings. We used a photo editing software to make the perfect size for our pictures. We printed them out on cardstock paper with an inkjet printer. Then we glued the pictures in our rings using superglue and put a protective layer of epoxy over them.


Zoe and I completed our rings. We used a photo editing software to size our pictures. Once we printed them out on card stock paper with an inkjet printer. We glued them to the rings using super glue and put a clear epoxy protective coat.

Cell Project

Coen and Blas’s cell project for their science class. It’s a pinball machine. Currently, a cell pinball machine is being built. On 3/12/19 Coen and Blas started to laser cut the parts of the cell so that they could start to assemble the cell. The parts of the cell were going to be the obstacles for the ball. They needed to cut two pieces for each part of the cell in order for the pieces to be able to bounce the ball off of. On 3/13/19 they finished the laser cutting the cell parts and they organized all of the pieces for the cell and set up table for the assembly of the project. On 3/14/19 Coen was absent and Blas started to assemble the project. The cell has sides that are at a slant. Blas could not attach the one side of the cell. He sanded one of the edges of the side piece so that he could attach one side to the other. Next he glued pieces of wood that he had sawed to the edge of the of each. On 3/15/19 Coen and Blas started to glue the parts of the cell together. They also attached the side pieces to the body of the cell.

The first pinball machine attempt ever in the makerspace.

Finished project: Name in Languages

This is my finished project.

I had a few problems with this. At first, when I was trying to design it the first time, it wouldn’t come out correct. The words would be mashed together and the actual languages would be added with different things. I had to re-save it about three times before it actually came out correctly. I had to save it as a PDF file, had to convert text to curves, and then I had to transfer the file to the laser cutter.

Speaker Process Images

Back of our amp, the silver thing is a heat sink system that keeps the amp cool so it dosent explode.

A Latch Brennan created on open SCAD, a 3D printer program that allows us to create things such as the diaphram for our speaker.
The Initial stages of the print, about 1.5 mm high at this point.
Nick creating a latch for the speaker so the speaker stays secure in its chassis.
We added rectangular holes in the side structure to decrease the weight of the speaker, as well as decreasing the vibration of the chassis to produce better sound quality.
Matthew Duff wrapping the coil around the housing mechanism for the magnets.