My 3D Printing Experience

Hello, I am Holden Appell, and for my P.M. interim, I chose to do 3D printing. Doctor Urbano started by telling us to scan a cup. we decided to spin the chair while someone scanned it. I spun the chair while someone else scanned the cup. In the end, the 3D scan of the cup ended up looking good. Someone had the idea of using a turntable, and 2 days later, we had a turntable. The next thing I did was go outside and collect some other items to scan. I picked up a stick and a rock, then took them inside. After that we spun the turntable and scanned the items. Michael scanned the rock, while I scanned the stick. With a bit of help, the twig was starting to print. When it was done, another print, this time of a bust with a hole in it was told to start being printed. At the time I am typing this, it is the last day, and I can say that I enjoyed this interim.

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