My Makerspace Interim Experience.

Hello. This is about my experience with the makerspace interim at the Fulton School. When we began makerspace we started by telling each other what our goals for makerspace would be. After that, we went to work. I started by setting up blender and using it to begin creating a resurgent class star destroyer from star wars. Blender is a free tool used to create 3D models and animations. I started by selecting parts of the starting cube, and moving them to create the ship’s main body. I then added another cube and started editing it until I had a simple version. I then began the creation of a lightsaber. I started by creating a cylinder and widening and elongating it. I then made another cylinder, and shrunk and made it about three times the size of the hilt. When I came back the next day, I added a button to the lightsaber hilt, and then smoothed and detailed the star destroyer. At the end of the day I began printing the star destroyer. When I came back the next day, the star destroyer was finished being printed. I then removed the supports, and started sanding the bottom of the ship. The next day, I printed the lightsaber, and once it was finished, I took pictures of the lightsaber and the star destroyer. After that, I began writing this blog post about my experience.

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