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Liam Tockman Makerspace In-room Blog Post 1

This is my blog post for Makerspace. I made many things in the duration of this week, but I decided to research laser cutters. Laser cutters cut through wood with a highly concentrated laser. The laser is made in a chamber with mirrors on…

Map Wood Engraving

For my project this quarter, I made a map the Greco-Persian areas in highlight of the Royal Road and how it affected the Persian army in the good ways and the bad. I used the domestic birch plywood on the laser cutter to make…

Music Album

For my maker-space project, I’m currently writing, producing, and playing for a music album. It’s currently going along decently, but I haven’t finished it and it won’t be finished for a long time. I’ve currently written and composed the parts for about three songs,…

Quarter 1 Airplane Designs

This quarter I tried to make different things using airplane designs. I tried making a pendant of a Piper Warrior, but it kept failing. I also tried making coasters with outlines of Warriors, Cherokees and Cessna 172s, but nothing came to fruition. The designs…

for my project I made an epoxy knife

steps: the first thing I did was draw out my knife on an app called procreate. After I did that I moved it to a computer and printed it out on the laser cutter, it did not work the first time because the rim…


ABS PLA PLA is less sensitive to tempurature changes, and is one of the easier to use. It wont work with wear and teare designs in comparison to ABS, even though PLA will take more stress before breaking. As it turns out PLA means…

Resin Wall Art

MY FAILED ATTEMPTS For my interim project, I made a piece of art to hand up on my bedroom wall. While making my wall art I learned what different ways work and do not work for sealing open space to then fill with resin….

Lightning Bolt

For my project, I made a wooden lightning bolt surrounded by LED lights.  Steps: First I drew out my lightning bolt and transferred it to the computer, then cut them out with the laser cutter. The next step was to glue together the bolts…

How to Sand Epoxy

When epoxy does need sanding its best to use wet sanding. (Wet Sanding- is when, typically water or any other liquid, is applied to the sandpaper leaving less residue on the surface leading to longer use of the paper. Epoxy is a very hard…

How to make an epoxy table mold

For my maker space interim research project, I choose to research epoxy table molds and how to make them. I did this because while Blas and I were making our table we used tape on the edges thinking that all the epoxy would not…