How to make an epoxy table mold

For my maker space interim research project, I choose to research epoxy table molds and how to make them. I did this because while Blas and I were making our table we used tape on the edges thinking that all the epoxy would not leak, we were wrong. Lots of the epoxy leaked which made us have to do a lot of sanding and chiseling to the bottom and the sides of the table and a little of the top. We did not enjoy doing all of the sanding and it took a lot of time.

When first researching about epoxy table molds I was going to research about live-edged epoxy table molds but while researching I could only find ones that were for rectangular tables, so I decided to research the rectangular table molds.

Sticks to epoxyDoes not stick to epoxy

Sheathing tape/Tuck tape
High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
Even though wood sticks to epoxy it is still a good material for the base of the mold. If you line it with some type of sheathing tape like tuck tape then the epoxy will not stick to the wood.

How to make the epoxy table molds

  1. Design the mold with the edging being ½ in. higher than the table so that epoxy does not leak off
  2. Cut plywood to size
  3. Cover all parts of the plywood that will be touching the epoxy with sheathing tape like tuck tape, so that the epoxy will not stick to the mold and to have a easy removal once the epoxy has cured
  4. Put the plywood together with screws to make it easier to disassemble and have a chance to use the same mold in the future
  5. Apply a line of silicon to the bottom of the walls, to have a tighter seal and less leaks
  6. Use a lint free cloth with denatured alcohol to remove all dust and debris from the mold
  7. On all inner edges of the mold apply a line of silicon to prevent leaks
This is a person doing step 3, which is to cover all of the plywood with sheathing tape in this case he is using tuck tape.

“How To Build An Epoxy Casting Mold.” Ecopoxy, Accessed 21 Oct. 2021.

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