My first frame by frame animation! (I Think…)

This is the Animation ^

I started out with this concept sketch. From there, l used the app Clip Studio Paint Pro and eyeballed each frame. In the app the frames were called cells. I started with the outline of the head movements, which were achieved partially by accident. However, The turning movements were definitely intentional, and the rest worked out well in the end. I proceed to add a neck, thin some shoulders. Around this time, I noticed the head kinda deformed a bit at the end like how a jaw would. I thought It would be neat to turn it into a mouth and from there, It turned into a transformation sequence. I wanted to add more frames, but as it turns out there is a 25 frame limit on my specific version of Clip Studio Paint. I had to work within these limitations to get the project done. About half of the project was actually done with a drawing pad, the other half being me using my computer’s touchpad. This made getting the neck and body right a difficult task. At the end of the project, I went over and corrected some mistakes with the drawing pad to make the body look more like a body and less like a bunch of disproportionate scribbles. I also added effects to emphasize the zoom in of the camera, and a cool flashing eye. The animation is my first complete sequence of animation ever, and I have definitely learned some new things over the course of this project.

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