Statistical Modeling of Geological Sampling Strategies

How can we reduce the amount of Geochemical measurements needed to reduce the amount of times we run the Secondary-ion mass spectrometry(SIMS)? This machine costs a lot of money to run. This project started out as my Science Fair Project, where I designed a code that would run data collected from samples of rocks thousands of times and come up with averages and the standard deviation of the random new subset data.

To further this project I will improve the program I currently have by adding more features that organize the data and place the data into an easily accessible spread sheet. The data will be collected and easier to analyze that way.

Overall My Science Fair project helped create the data that was needed to reduce the amount of times the machine had to run in order to reduce costs. A paper will be written about the improvement and how my project contributed.

Github Repo –

Science Fair Project:

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