Vespa project with George

My Idea for how I should approach building my war base

I’ve been struggling at getting information on war bases and a lot of sources aren’t very helpful to me and don’t give detailed information about the building process of a war base. Some of these sources only talk about their war base and why…

Drone Pad

Project was a fail because the pad was too small. In tall grass areas, the propellers get caught on the grass. The project would’ve been a success if the pad was 2-3 inches wider.

Clash of Clans War Base

It’s been a while and I’ve basically finished the board game I was working on. However I couldn’t figure out the rules that I got from the web making my board game creation a fail. Since the original creators rules of the WIP board…

Graphing Polar Sine

For my math project, I made a graphing polar sine interactive board. I made a function in Corel to make the shapes. You can change the frequency of sine in the program to get the shape you want. For all odd sine functions, the…

Making hoodie

I made a sticker for my basketball sweatshirt, it’s my last name.

Andrés The Best Box

I do a box in makerspace. This is my first wood box. I learn to do box, and I use to put my pens

Grant Website Update

For the last few months, I have been working on a website for Shaw Nature Reserve. The website will be used to log and record data on animal sightings. The user will be able to record the conditions in which they found the animal…

Foosball project update

For a long time me and my group have been trying to get dimensions and drawing planned out. We have been making this list of items and specific sizes for some of the other items. We are getting towards the phase of construction once…

Makerspace Business Ornaments

I have designed and made ornaments for makerspace business club. The profits from the ornaments will go to maintaining and upgrading the makerspace tools.