I finally after like 2 or 3 years have completed the board game Kerak. I don’t really have a place to put the piece but i guess I could just buy a box for it and put the pieces in that box and label it “Kerak” so people know the board and box go together. 🐓s let me know your thoughts about this board game.
here are the rules:
On The Rail Designs is a comapny I started. We build custom acrylic signs for horse fencing. On The Rail Designs makes dressage letters out of a single piece of acrylic which we bend to fit snug on vinyl fence rails. Our letters attach on all four sides of the rail and can be easily removed. Our letters will not fade in the sun and will withstand the outdoor conditions.
It started out with my neighbor having the problem of not being able to find any dressage letters to hand on her fencing. Most dressage letters on the market are cheap quality and made to sit on the ground. Most would get blown over or away in almost every storm. She wanted something she can set up once and won’t have to touch again. It also needed to be clean looking. I started designing several prototypes. I first tried gluing several acrylic pieces together. The joints were weak so I had to redesign them. I researched several different design techniques and saw a tool that took full pieces of acrylic and bent them into the shape you wanted. I knew this is the route I needed to go.
I design and built my own acrylic bender. I bought a power supply from Amazon and took it apart. I attached each wire to a different end of nichrome wire so the electricity would run through the nichrome wire. In the picture below the red line is the nichrome wire heated up. This is what creates the heat to melt the acrylic. After holding your piece of acrylic over the wire for 30 sec. you can bend it at any angle. It takes about 1 min. to harden and then you have a custom bent piece of acrlyic.
I made a picture stand for the pictures taken on grandparent’s day.
Helped Andres make a sticker for his computer.
I’m done making my board and my piece for my board game, but I have little to no knowledge on creating a gameplay for the board game so if you have any idea tell me ï need them desperately. Thanks 🐓 out.
For my Numerical Methods Q4 project, I made a code that made a code that makes an object. In better terms, I created a code in Python which made a code in OpenSCAD which made an object for me to 3D print. I started making a code to make simple blocks and then added a sin function to make it wavy. I experimented a lot with the sin, cos, and tan functions to make the end object look different. For my specific project I made an object using a sin function.
import math
for i in range (50):
For my project, I made a fortune teller that will give you a two sentence fortune composed of six randomly selected sentence fragments. I made it in Python and then translated it to Javascript to put it onto a website. It’s not finished yet, but it’s up and working. Try it out! https://soriki.com/eve/fortune
A few months ago I did a project for Makerspace Business where I made baby blocks for a TFS grandparent for their grandchild. I got the baby’s information from the grandma and then printed it out on vinyl to stick onto four blocks of wood. I had a lot of fun with it, so when my baby cousin was born earlier this month, I knew I wanted to make another set with my little cousin’s info on them. So far I have cut out the wooden blocks, made the design for them. Right now, I’m just waiting to print them.
Custom tea cup for mother’s day
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