Highschool P2.

Junior year was crazy. There was the new school building, which was a much longer drive for me (45 minutes compared to 10 minutes), I was also doing a lot of school, active in stucco, and playing volleyball. The sad, sour cherry on top was that my grandma had her cancer return. She had an operation to remove it, but was continually in and out of the hospital, which was exhausting for the whole family. Then in October, she died at the age of 95. She lived a good life and was suffering, but my mom was really upset since they were close so that was really difficult, and I had to kind of be rocketed into the role of woman of the house for a time period, while still being a kid and in school. It was all difficult and my childhood dog also died, which made me really sad. I was glad when junior year was over, it was tough, but still good. Like, I had a blast playing volleyball. Senior year started off, bad, Bill (haha “Bogus Journey” reference). I wasn’t having any fun, the volleyball team was filled with drama, I felt alienated, like I wouldn’t get into a good college, judged, pitied, and to make matters worth (here comes the sad, sour cherry, again…) I wasn’t eating much or sleeping much, I lost my period for six months, and chunks of my hair were falling out. Suddenly, in about November I started having more fun and by January had really turned it around. I felt so happy! Basketball was a blast, I hung out with people, I was having fun, and I just felt good again and I still do despite multiple RJM’s!! Anyways, I’m sad to leave highschool, but I am also excited for my future and college. I want to stay in touch with my friends and I am excited to see the people we become, which there is no doubt in my mind, that we will all do great things. Also, here is a link to my “Freaks and Geeks” reboot pilot episode script. Give it a read and let me know what you think! Hey, and maybe one day, you’ll see my show on t.v. (if Jeff allows it!)! https://docs.google.com/document/d/115oLQS564FjFJHxtX8Ha9Q2YFDC5ghuIur7qwqBf1xA/edit

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