
For this year’s World Wide Technology project, our group created an AI that records lectures and summarizes them. We used Hugging Face models to get the transcript and summary of the lecture because it runs locally which gives us a faster response time and it is free. Then we used the ChatGPT API to do a final summary. The summaries on ChatGPT can be customized through our website for different students’ learning profiles. This will be particularly useful for students with learning disabilities like ADHD and Dyslexia.

We also have incorporated sensors into the AI to optimize learning conditions for students and a dial that will give teachers live feedback on the lecture so that the teachers know what parts of the lecture students understand the most and least.

The main part of my work was in creating the code for transcribing and summarizing the lectures and editing the video.


You can visit the code at: https://github.com/l4589/WWT-2024


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